Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Quilts n' Roses

I made quilts for my cats yesterday. The squares are pre-cut fabric samples that were part of a customer's club of a quilt shop. It turned out that not all of them were the same size and not all of them were square, but I don't think the kitties will mind.

Our rose bush is in full bloom with new blossoms opening up every day. They smell so good, I could not resist and cut a few for the house. They have very short stems this year but don't they look lovely on the new quilts?


Tracey ~ Clover said...

I want to be one of your cats! The quilts you made are just beautiful and so are your roses. I just cut a bunch of New Dawn roses so I can look at them while I work.

Anonymous said...

They look like doll quilts hanging on the line. Lucky kitties!
