Wednesday, May 04, 2011

First Harvest

After yet another night of thunderstorms and heavy rain I went out into my wonderfully wet and squishy garden to check if anything got damaged. Luckily all is well. I picked strawberries, spinach and radishes.
 That makes all the digging, weeding and bending over worth while. My kitchen scale is broken so I put my strawberries into the box from the farmer's market just to get an idea how many there are.

I just can't get enough of the prettiness of radishes.


Bee said...

Hi! I'm Vietnamese. In Vietnam, we don't have the red radish. They look like strange. What delicious strawberries!
I like your blogspot ^^

Bee said...

Hi! I'm Vietnamese. In Vietnam, we don't have the red radish. They look like strange. What delicious strawberries!
I like your blogspot ^^

Tracey ~ Clover said...

Your radishes look so pretty! This is the first year I have ever eaten them cooked. Have you had them that way? Just saute' in a little butter with salt and pepper. Yum.