Sunday, April 06, 2014


Not much going on this weekend. Del had to work half a day on Saturday and I had planned to start spring cleaning the bedroom. Then I discovered a merry band of ants making their way into the pantry and into a box of raisins. Well, that took care of the rest of the morning, ant hunting.
I cooked and baked and discovered that some of my herb seeds have started to sprout. I got up early on Sunday because our alarm clock showed 6:39 and it was time to feed the cats, the kitchen clock however showed 5:39. The alarm clock is pre-programmed for spring forward, unfortunately for the old scheme. Oh well, since I was already awake, I stayed up and had an early start to the day.
We did spring clean the bed room and there was a little bit of stitching, but not enough to show.


Tracey ~ Clover said...

Oh ants, we have problems with them too. Borax works wonders on the little stinkers.

I sewed a skirt today! It's a little wonky on the sides, but if I wear a shirt over it, it won't show. It took me all afternoon, but I did it!

karen said...

ant hunting doesn't sound like much fun but I hope you caught them early!