Thursday, September 05, 2013

This and that

Goodness, that week has gone by in a hurry. I cleaned and I sewed and I made plans. I started fall cleaning which this year includes areas that don't get cleaned very often, like behind furniture and inside cupboards, cabinets and drawers. I also cleaned the blinds at the back door and found it much easier than I expected. I soaked them in the tub and then gently rubbed them with a cloth. I am sewing birthday gifts for the cats, September is cat birthday month at our house. Holiday plans are getting under way.
The weather was pleasant and the cats were livelier than they are when it is hot. So much to do, so much fun. Our long weekend was relaxing and quiet and full of food. Here is some of it. Lemon cupcakes with blueberries, homemade buns, made into burgers.

I discovered that there is nothing wrong with my camera after all. The battery re-charger has died and that is why the batteries did not work properly. Now I am back to using regular ones and taking pictures again.
I find myself a little disappointed with our farmer's market this year. There are more people selling baked goods and less farmers. The prices have gone up and the produce does not look all that good which is probably the fault of the weather. I am buying a lot less than in previous years, mainly meat and eggs and fruits. I so need to get a vegetable garden going again!


Jackie's Stitches said...

I need some of your deep cleaning mojo! I was just thinking that I needed to go thru our kitchen cabinets. Always something to clean...

sigisart said...

Dear Maria,
for me this weak was sooo long and a lot of work at work, so I´m happy tomorrow is friday and weekend. Hope that I can sew something. Your burgers look great!!!
Have a lovely Weekend and until soon.
Hugs from Germany

karen said...

yay for new batteries! And that's disappointing that the farmer's market is mostly made food and not fresh food. Our garden was not that great this year.

MTVA said...

Nice to see the cats enjoying their boxy bed!

It's always such a relief to have energy again, once the weather gets cooler. Every summer, I get afraid that I've crossed the line and will never be energetic and productive any more! Now on to apples, pumpkins and crisp fall days for us...and playful kitties, of course!