Monday, July 29, 2013


The weather was cool and damp and we spent some time bustling around the house. We cleaned out Del's closet and found a whole bunch of pants he has shrunk out of, some of them still had the tags on. Some big guy will get lucky at the thrift store. We also gave away a still nice jacket that is now several sizes too big for him.
Because of all the rain and humidity we have some problems with mold around the house. I needed to move the laundry hamper from where it was and I have not yet found a new spot for it, so for now it gets kind of pushed around from room to room and with a little luck and a bit of cooperation from the weather it will be empty soon (for a glorious five minutes or so) anyway.
I started reading "The Source" by J. A. Michener and discovered that my eyes are not happy with the very small print. Geez, getting old is not for sissies. ;-)
I also had an unfortunate accident in which I got my foot caught in the fan cable and tore off half the nail on my big toe, luckily no blood and not very painful.
A friend of mine directed me to a website (and FB page) - Vintage Vienna - with old pictures of Vienna and I spent quite some time there on Sunday morning, taking a stroll down memory lane (which is not always a pleasant trip).
We had pizza for lunch on Saturday and I baked bread again. I really miss having a garden and I am making plans for a new beginning next year or maybe a little bit for fall planting, we'll see.

1 comment:

karen said...

hope your toe heals quickly! Yikes! Strolling down memory lane sounds like fun :)