Monday, February 13, 2012


Oh so different from the last one and so not relaxing. It started with a trip to the vet, just the mandatory rabies shots for the little ones. But it still left me with the also mandatory monster headache that seems to be my new stress indicator. Not much happening after that, just trying to get rid of it.

It was extremely cold this weekend so a lot of the things I wanted to do did not happen. I am just not the kind of person who sends her poor husband into the freezing cold attic to bring down some boxes so she can do some rearranging. Instead I sent him to the library to pick up some old James Bond movies. ;-)

While watching some of these I knitted on my new cowl and rippled away on my blanket for a bit. I did not cook the meals I had planned, just simpler versions of them. I am feeling a bit off at the moment, not here and not there, some days all I can see are the not so good things in my life and that always brings me down.

Here is to a better week and a much better weekend (only 5 days to go!).

Happy Monday everyone!


Tracey ~ Clover said...

Maria, I do hope you have a lovely and happy day! Our time here is so short and really, we all have so much to be thankful for, so many Good and Wonderful things! I'll be thinking of you.

karen said...

I hope you feel better soon. I had a crazy headache that was annoying. It finally left! I hope for good.

Anonymous said...

Hi Maria,
Hope all the kitties did well with their shots :)
Sometimes a slower paced weekend does a body good...
Have a better week!

Jackie's Stitches said...

I hope you're feeling better. A day of watching movies and knitting snuggled up and warm sounds wonderful to me! I hope that headache is gone.

Are you feeling off/sick or off/blah?