Wednesday, November 09, 2011

This and that in the middle of the week

We celebrated Del's birthday last weekend with a yummy cake and a lovely steak from the farmer's market (the steak was big enough to share). His gift is still not finished, I messed up and have to re-do.

We went to the farmer's market Saturday morning and it was cold. It seems the market has been built in one of the windiest spots in the county. We bought some sorghum syrup, kale, apples, eggs, pepper and a yellow cauliflower.

Our little kittens are growing fast now. They are curious and fearless and they are getting tired of being kept in quarantine. But until they have seen the vet we do not want them to have contact with MamaCat and Brownie, just in case. It gets really difficult now to enter the living room without them running out. So I just barricaded the entrance to the kitchen door (the kitchen door went missing a long time before we bought the house) and let them roam the dining room for a bit. As soon as I put some canned food down for them they come running back in a hurry. They are starting to develop quite distinct personalities and we have finally named them. They are Jackie, Frankie, Leo, Precious and Maggie. I hope to get some portraits of each one soon. Their mama is not happy about being locked up either but I hope she will get used to it. Here are some pictures of the cuties.


Tracey ~ Clover said...

Ok, please,please share the cake recipe!
My husband loves sorghum molasses and puts it on cornbread. I find the taste a little strong and prefer honey [on biscuits, I don't eat cornbread].
The kittens are getting big and they are still just as cute as ever.

karen said...

The little kittens are adorable. I do not know how you put them down and do your chores or knitting :D Happy birthday!!!

Anonymous said...

Boy are they growing! Still really cute! Did the one kitty like the coffee/tea? LOl
