Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Rainy Day

The weather was dismal today, not cold, but grey, wet and windy. A perfect day for being 'domestic'.
I started with cleaning the bath room and the cat box, a weekly chore, usually done Monday or Tuesday. Then I had a date with Lily (my sewing machine).
I made flannel blankets for the cat girls. I recently found a bunch of flannel fat quarters in one of my fabric boxes and decided that they were just the right size for cat blankets. So, two fat quarters and a piece of batting makes one happy cat.

Isn't it great when your gifts are being so appreciated? The picture is a bit blurry because I took it through the window of the back door so I would not disturb them.

Then I made a pillow cover out of a large piece of Christmas fabric with cats. It was too cute to be cut up for something else and it was big enough for one pillow and I even have some left over.

I prepared a template and the fabric for tomorrow's project and then I baked a batch of scones (vanilla and chocolate chip) and washed the dishes.

The weather got worse in the meantime and it is getting rather dark. I hope we don't get a storm. When the cats come in by themselves before I call them there is usually something brewing.

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