It was a rainy week and there was lots of baking and knitting and some gardening after the rain stopped.
I baked Garlic Flat Bread to go with the Grilled Shrimp Caesar Salad on Saturday (I found a recipe for the dressing that does not use raw egg and it tasted pretty good).

I also baked some regular bread and an English Muffin Loaf that did not quite turn out like on the picture in the cook book but tasted pretty good anyway.

Del baked some scones.
And later in the week there were some Dark Chocolate Strawberry Brownies (should be Cherry but I don't usually have cherry preserve at hand).
I finished two of my knitting projects. The purple shrug looks a lot better in the picture than it does on me, it will probably be frogged and the yarn used for something else.
The white cotton sweater turned out okay and it got the Kitty Seal of Approval.

Then I found a pattern for a really cute little makeup bag and had to try it.

I continued with my sprucing up the living room project and added some decorative hoops. I am currently working on a new mantle quilt, a table runner and some new cushion covers.
Tuesday night, just after we had gone to bed I heard some strange noises and went to check if the cats were fighting. I discovered a rather large raccoon in our front yard, happily munching away on the cat food. There were also three cats outside and everybody was keeping a respectful distance of each other. The cats did not mess with the raccoon and it stayed out of the cats's way.
Earlier I had stepped on Miss Kitty in the dark and she defended herself by scratching both my ankles, ouch! She did, however, forgive me after I gave her a handful of treats.
On Thursday it finally stopped raining and I could pick whatever was ready in the garden. Some of the zucchinis are rotting on the plant because of all the rain and a few of the tomato plants have yellow leaves from too much water. The pepper plants are suffering from something too but overall the rain makes everything grow like crazy. What used to be my kitchen garden is now a mosquito infested swamp. :) I am currently testing the Clip-on from Off! and it seems to be working. I get bad reactions to mosquito bites sometimes and really need to protect myself and I am not a big fan of sticky spray-on stuff.

And as usual, there are cats in the garden, this is the resident garden lion. Why pay for a silly stone statue when you can have a real one? ;)

The weekend is supposed to get really hot and I hope we get some garden work done before it gets too much. I need to get rid of the bolted spinach plants, turn the soil and cover it with more straw and of course there is a lot of mowing to be done.
Have a great weekend everyone!
I've been know to spend all that time knitting something and then frogging it. I don't tell hubby. He wouldn't understand. Where did you find the cosmetic bag pattern?
I'm something of a bread addict so I really enjoyed your post! YUM!
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