Wednesday, October 01, 2014

Well, hello there October!

I must say, you look a lot like November this morning, I sure hope you will remember that you are meant to be glorious and sunny with crisp air and turning leaves not all grey and foggy and damp.

I am still wondering what happened to September. I blinked and it was over. Oh dear, the older I get the faster time seems to go by sometimes.

I have a lot of projects lined up, some serious gift making is going on already and the garden needs to be put to bed, a bit of fall cleaning needs to be done and there is a stack of books waiting to be read. Looks like we have a busy month ahead of us.

Wishing you all a glorious October wherever you are.


karen said...

one of my favorite months! September did go by quite fast didn't it? love the fog photo and I'm waiting for the temps to drop a little bit :)

Tracey ~ Clover said...

I was so happy to flip the calendar this morning, October, yes!
Now if only my temperatures would dip again, we are 84 today!