Monday, December 16, 2013


I am folding laundry and re-organizing the linen closet this morning and I came across this stack of hand towels that my grandmother(s) gave to me when I was in my teens, which makes them at least 35 years old. Does that qualify them as vintage? Then what does that make me, an antique?
Despite their age they are all in great shape, whereas I have some I bought not that long ago that are becoming rather threadbare and frayed now. I also have tea towels of the same age.
I am not even showing you all the "help" I am getting this morning, just let me tell you, I would be finished a lot faster without it. ;-) Just now another stack of towels hit the floor, thank you Leo!

The sun is shining today and the week ahead is supposed to be warmer, I hope the forecast is right, I am getting a bit blue from all the dark and dreary weather (hence the organizing bout).

Have a great week everyone!

1 comment:

MTVA said...

Oh, don't be blue - Christmas is nearly here! Those little feline elves are trying to make you laugh, by padding about in the linen closet. That's what I tell myself when they do these things...