Monday, February 15, 2010

My Weekend

On Saturday there was snow (and cats).

On Sunday there was sunshine (and cats) and because cats are solar powered they were quite frisky and happy about it.

There was also a finished craft project. After Kitty gave back the granny rectangle blanket I started with leftover yarn from various projects, I used the two days I was without computer this week (don't ask, our streak of broken items continues) to finish it.

Please note the elegant foot wear I acquired this weekend. Dairy boots to conquer the swamp that used to be my garden. :)


Jackie's Stitches said...

It looks like you had sunshine too! Doesn't it make a huge difference when the sun shines?

Mabiana said...

Oh pretty, you already have spring flowers! :-)

alda said...

what a beautiful blanket! I wish we could have a lttle bit of the sunshine too, your cats are so sweet!